7 Mistakes with AC Maintenance and How to Avoid Them

Did you know that only 43% of people who have AC systems get regular yearly maintenance?

But people often make very basic mistakes with AC maintenance that can shorten the life of the AC unit. It’s important to learn what to avoid to get the most out of your system.

In this article, you’ll learn how to keep your home cool all summer long without spending too much money or time!

Keep reading for more!

1. Not Changing the Air Filter

The first mistake is not changing the air filter. The most common reason for this mistake is that people don’t realize how important it is. There has to be proper airflow for your AC system to work properly. If there isn’t, then you will not be able to control the temperature in your home.

Why This Is Bad:

Not only will you not be able to control the temperature, but your AC system will also have to work twice as hard. Air conditioners will end up using more energy this way, which will cause your utility bills to increase.

How To Fix It:

Change your air filter at least every 3 months. You can find the right one for your system by checking the manual or looking online. Make this a routine so that you remember when it’s time.

2. Skipping the Maintenance Checkup

The second mistake with regular AC maintenance is skipping a maintenance checkup altogether. Whether you have a yearly inspection or wait until something goes wrong, it’s highly recommended that you have a professional go over everything to look for any problems before they become major issues!

Why This Is Bad:

If you skip the maintenance checkup, then you are taking a chance on something going wrong. AC systems are complex and need professional service. If you wait until there is a problem, it will cost you more money in the long run.

How To Fix It:

If you don’t know how to do it, then ask your contractor or the company that installed your system to help. You can also find information online on how to do it yourself.

3. Keeping the Old Thermostat

The third mistake with AC maintenance service is keeping an old thermostat around. The newer models can do so much more for you. They will lower your energy bills, as well as make sure that no one ends up overheating their home. These new thermostats can also send you a notification to ensure you are always comfortable!

Why This Is Bad:

An old thermostat will not be up to date with the latest technology. It will also cause you to pay more in utility bills, making it harder for your AC system to cool down your home when needed.

How To Fix It:

If your current thermostat is old, then it’s time to upgrade! You can find a new thermostat that fits your needs and your budget. 

4. Forgetting to Change the Filters Monthly

The fourth mistake with AC maintenance is forgetting to change the filters monthly. Depending on how many people live in your home and for how long, you will need to replace these filters monthly. When they become clogged, it makes it nearly impossible for your AC system to do its job.

Why This Is Bad:

If you forget to change the filters, then your AC system will not be able to function properly. It causes the system to overheat, and it will use more energy to get the same results. Not only that, but it can also damage the AC unit and shorten its lifespan.

How To Fix It:

Be sure to set up a monthly reminder on your phone, computer, or ask Siri to remind you! You can also buy one of those calendars that have the entire year printed on it. 

5. Not Getting a Professional Checkup Once a Year

The fifth mistake with residential AC maintenance is not getting a professional checkup once a year. If you have been having problems with your AC unit as of late, now might be the time to get it inspected. If you are neglecting your AC system, then there is a chance that it could break down at any moment. Don’t risk not being able to stay cool!

Why This Is Bad:

AC systems are complex and need professional service. If you wait until there is a problem, it will cost you more money in the long run.

How To Fix It:

Schedule a maintenance checkup once a year. If you don’t know how to do it, then ask your contractor or the company that installed your system to help. You can also find information online on how to do it yourself.

6. Not Turning the AC on Before Leaving for Work

The sixth mistake with AC maintenance is not turning on the AC before leaving for work. If you’re not home, the AC system isn’t going to do you much good. Turning it on a couple of hours before you get home will help keep your home at a comfortable temperature!

Why This Is Bad:

If you do not turn on your AC system before leaving for work, then your home will quickly become too hot to handle. You might also forget to turn it off before going to bed. By the time you get home from a long day at work, you’ll be grumpy and sweaty!

How To Fix It:

Set a reminder on your phone or computer to turn on the AC before you leave for work. That way, you don’t have to worry about it! You can also ask a family member or friend to do it for you.

7. Letting Pets and Children Play Around the AC Unit

The seventh and final mistake with regular AC maintenance is letting your pets and children play around the AC unit. The compressor is extremely loud, which can cause a pet to run away in fear, or a child to become startled. This can be dangerous if they get too close because the fan blades are fast enough that they could catch their clothing and pull them in!

Why This Is Bad:

If your pets or children play near the AC unit, they could be seriously injured. Pets can even break a leg by running away from the loud noise! Not to mention that the fan blades could catch their clothes and pull them in.

Avoid Mistakes With AC Maintenance!

Avoiding these mistakes with AC maintenance will help keep your system running smoothly all summer long! Be sure to follow these tips to ensure a cool and comfortable home. If you have any questions, contact our expert team.

We will be more than happy to help with your AC maintenance service!